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Friday, June 22, 2007

18th Story: “ Phone love story: Diriku dan dirimu...”

This is about a true ‘phone’ love story...

She (21) met this guy (But eventually she realize that he is a boy (19) not a guy!! But She think He is just look like a person she adore most; Korean movie star). But What the hell...She think that it’s a love at the first sight, couze its so delightfull she become something diffrent and more energetic person! Then, (Gw pake bahasa indonesia aja deh..biar sama sama yang cerita yang diatas he...3). Terus, She cuma bisa liatin dia dari jauh, dan gak bisa ngomong apa-apa. Tiba-tiba temen She ini, ngasih nomor telpon, (sebut aja) si MKY, lengkap bo!! (Nomor telpon GSM, CDMAnyah, sampai nomor telpon rumah). Hmmm pertama sih She gak mau, tapi akhirnya diterima juga (Cieee... ^_^). Pas lagi BT, She iseng deh coba-coba nomornya 0856 xxxx xxx, just wanna hear his voice (is’nt it sweet?). Eh, entah kenapa, MKY balik telpon, (ternyata, She ceroboh, telpon yang kedua, gak di hide...YAIKS!!) langsung deh She bingung, yah diangkat deh, pertama sih bilangnya salah sambung (yah walaupun ni anak galak bangeth, tapi manis tau...), terus keduanya...terserah She doong!!

Terus makin lama ‘MKY’ makin penasaran sama She karena dia tau kalo She temen sekampusnya, AMPYUUN DEH!! (Walaupun She kasihan lihat dia penasaran hikz..hikz ^_*’ ), tapi, yah yang namanya gadis jujur (fu..fu..fu (n_n)), tetep She ceritain deh kenapa-kenapanya dia misscall, and kapan She bakal bilang siapa She, but bodohnya selama SMS-an ria sama MKY, She selalu ngasih bumbu istimewa..yup!! Love Poetry gitu deeh tapi yang gak disangka MKY gak bisa bahasa inggris ( ^ _ n )’.. cuapek deh!!...(tapi menurut beberapa pandapat dari temen-temen She sih, ada yang bilang bagus poetnya, ada yang bilang, anak-anak bangeth sih..dont know deh, but all She need is his opinion only ya gak? Yah walaupun She pernah liat He is so happy, get her poet..he is smillin’ that more than every thing She ever dream of)!! Plato said that at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet (that’s right!!). Cerita berkembang sampe akhirnya She bakal kasih tau siapa She, but in this case She really feel diffrent with him, friend? love? Secret admire wanna be? dont know!!, dari sekedar iseng sampai main perasaan, yah padahal sih She tau he was looking for another girl. Is it really a love at the first sight? Is She really like this ‘boy guy’ person? Tapi entah kenapa waktunya selalu kurang tepat, MKY selalu menghindar, begitu pikir She. She pikir MKY dah lama tahu siapa She, tapi kalo gak tau kenapa dia selalu ada di mana-mana, kayak hantu (Hiiiiii!!! Atau She GR?! Yah mungkin aja...)? Kenapa dia ngirim poet seperti yang She kirim? Mungkin, kebetulan... Ya mungkin juga.... In this Love Case, The truth is She would’nt say if She’s in love, she would’nt say that She’s fallin in love, couze she never say it with anyone else...but She do it in every way. Is She just a "Secret Admirer Wanna be or She is a Really Secret Admirer...???!! Naaaaaa... She’s just a curious person... (Is’nt She?!!Is She??)

Dont say love, if you dont really love, that last just only tears
Dont say u do, if you does’nt, that last just only fears
Fear to choose, fear to refuse, fear to lose..

To someone i hope for...
To someone i love for....