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Saturday, May 14, 2011

70th Story: Sindang Reret Menu

Still from the 69th Story post, This is what we eat @Sindang Reret, a Restaurant near Ciwidey, 27 km from bandung, there is a lot of menu, but i just take this 3 menu, because i am so starving...

1st take...

Roasted Chiken, Yumm..yumm, but hard to eat..

This is Karedok, a raw vegetable salad from West Java, Indonesia. It is made from cucumbers, bean sprouts, cabbage, legumes, Thai basil, and small green eggplant.
Yummier than Roasted Chiken, i love this one...

Lemon Ice Tea... Sluruuppp...

There is something special from this place, the sambal so WOW...u should try, but not to much okay, because its da** hot!

Hope you like this post