Ayodya park, is a public park at Barito Street, South Jakarta, near the Plaza Blok M and Blok M Square. Here was a Flower market, pet and fish vendors before its torn down. It said that this park named by Rusdi Iman Sujono, a 93 year old military veteran, and a native of Solo, Central Java Province, who has lived on Jalan Barito, South Jakarta, since 1956. Ayodya is from the puppet plays; it means a park in heaven.
This park cost Rp 2.1 billion ($176,400) to construct, covers 7,500 square meters with a 1,500-square-meter lake at its center. The city government hopes the park will act as a useful area for the local community as well as help the environment by absorbing rainwater. It will be equipped with a Wi-Fi Internet hot spot, allowing visitors to browse the Internet for free.
With the opening of Ayodya Park, the number of parks in South Jakarta now stands at 300, covering a total ground area of 480,563 square meters. Pet vendors, mostly selling fish and exotic birds, some of who had been at the location for about 30 years and strongly opposed the idea of renovating the area even though the land belonged to the government, previously occupied part of the land illegally. (Source: thejakartaglobe.com)
But This Time Ayodya Park there is an event held, Biennale Jakarta XIV (4 December 2011 – 14 January 2012) with the Maximum City theme. It present an art works ala Mr. Wedha Abdul Rasyid, ex illustrator from Hai magz, named WPAP (Wedha Pop Art Portrait) with 50 WPAP artist participate. Several of this artwork presents local heroes such as a street singer, street vendor, a pet seller at barito. But there is a famous face too, such as Ray Shetapy, Sudjiwo Tedjo, Alex Komang, and teguh Esha. What I heard is every artwork here is had curetted by Wedha him self.
This Jakarta Biennale is so special because as works of art that not only will be on display in the galleries just like an art exhibition, but will be deployed in various public spaces such as Bunderan HI, Menteng Park, Garden Ayodhya, Underpass Grogol, office police posts along Jl. Thamrin, monorail poles stakes, up to Central Park shopping center in the area of West Jakarta. (Source Jakarta Biennale)
So please check some of picture that I’ve got there…
Youngster Couple, there is many of them here...