Face cannot be translated or defined, but face is first knowing identity about our selves.
Smile is facial expression,and happiness is most often the motivating cause of a smile. One of the Hadits says, smile is shodaqoh, because if u give smile to other people, they will feel what u feel...happy.
And this is the faces and smile that i known from my hood...

This is a Jamu (a herbal medicine) seller known as mbok Jamu, her name is Mbak Ayu, ofcourse she is a javaneese, she sells Jamu for a long year, her Jamu is very thick of herbs, the taste is so good, not bitter at all, its 1000 IDR/glass. I always order a Kunyit Asam, its good for your health and make your skin light...
This is Siomay seller, we called him Mang Siomay, he always passing my house twice a day, at noon and night. He made siomay him self, 500 IDR/piece. He have wife and kid out from Jakarta, so he work for them here, feel so sad when he still doing his job when he sick, and in a cold day in his ages like this --feel like i miss my dad--...
She is my Auntie, always happy in her thoughts, have 2 daughter, she life just 2 house from my house. She have many rabbits in her house and also plants.
Did you know what in his mind? Even Facebook would'nt know it...
This is my cousin, he is cute as always, have a strong will, and bit temper, crying when what he wants he doesnt have it. Now he is bald, his mother loss his cute curly hair, couse of hot makes him always swety....
She is also my relatives, Uwa Ida, I called her. She have 3 son and 1 daughter, looks like she is happy, no one knows inside she have full of problems. Is'nt she so beautiful with that smile...
This is my mother, the strongest woman i've never known before, she is my superhero...
Look at his face, is'nt he so adorable. He does'nt know how to smile in front camera, then he show his funny face...
She is my grandmother, lots of grand children she have. She sometimes go to her son house, that not far from her, to see her grandchild...
This woman is my auntie, I called her Bibi. The mother of 2 son. She is from Rawa, Tasikmalaya. She with her husband, my uncle, runs a lil store near my house...
This is my cousin too, Sisi her name, she wants to be a teacher. To be a first child makes her so superior than the lil sist, lol...
And this is me, can u know what my problems is, i bet u cant, because smile blur all my sorrow.
So this all what i capture, around my hood, hope u all enjoy it & dont forget to smile...
Smile is facial expression,and happiness is most often the motivating cause of a smile. One of the Hadits says, smile is shodaqoh, because if u give smile to other people, they will feel what u feel...happy.
And this is the faces and smile that i known from my hood...

This is a Jamu (a herbal medicine) seller known as mbok Jamu, her name is Mbak Ayu, ofcourse she is a javaneese, she sells Jamu for a long year, her Jamu is very thick of herbs, the taste is so good, not bitter at all, its 1000 IDR/glass. I always order a Kunyit Asam, its good for your health and make your skin light...

This is my cousin, he is cute as always, have a strong will, and bit temper, crying when what he wants he doesnt have it. Now he is bald, his mother loss his cute curly hair, couse of hot makes him always swety....

So this all what i capture, around my hood, hope u all enjoy it & dont forget to smile...