Where I Went

I really likes traveling and Photography, so when every place i went i always take a moment to take a picture

About this blog

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

What ever your resolution at 2012...
I hope your dream and wish comes true...

Monday, November 28, 2011

77th story: Singaparna Marketplace

Twice a year we all go to Tasikmalaya, my grandmother (almh) hometown. And this time is because My mother and her siblings is going to Qurban here, so we all go there. Not Just only for this ocation, this is our annual vacation once a year or twice a year...

i told you all before about my home town in older post (52nd story: home sweet tasikmalaya) . As what i promise you, i'll tell you about the marketplace, and here we go...

This is the store that we bought broom, tampah
(a big craft from bamboo, use for dried IDR 4000/each), and cobek.

and this is a hand fan, we can bougt it IDR 2000/each...

From tampah to noodles drier

This big cone is use for a rice cooker

This is cobek and ulek-ulek, use for made sambal
it cost IDR 17500/each for cobek and IDR 5000/each for ulekan.

A piggy bank? this is it siblings a rooster bank

Well, definitely this is not a witches broom...but you can bought it IDR 17500/each.
This Broom can last till 3-6 year...

And there is a
. mat (tikar), with a various of price..

various an earthenware vassels....

Not forget to mention scarf from every model that is so hip around the hijab's woman..

So thats the review about singaparna market. Hopefully you can enjoy... C U

Sunday, November 27, 2011

76th Story: Grown Up

Did u ever realize that u grew…? I mean you are not instantly as big as you are now… U grew up and one day you realize you will say... “I’m a grown up girl/boy”

Well, besides grow up and grow old, there is one thing that makes someone iss known that Him/her is grow. This is something that makes me so interest in someone, is FACE. It’s changing, we measure it by year. This is what Wikipedia said:

“Infants are typically 3–4 kg (6–9 pounds) in weight and 50–60 cm (20–24 inches) in height at birth. However, low birth weight is common in developing countries, and contributes to the high levels of infant mortality in these regions. Helpless at birth, humans continue to grow for some years, typically reaching sexual at 12 to 15 years of age. Females continue to develop physically until around the age of 18, whereas male development continues until around age 21. The human life span can be split into a number of stages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood and old age.

And this is some picture I want to share with you…

Falisha's growing picture

Fahran's growing picture

Falisha, is now 1 year 2 month...

Fahran is now 3 years. they grew and so am i, but i grew older..and older, lol ^_^

"Life goes on..and on.. an we never know where its end, so enjoy the life that God gave to Us, and be thank full always what God gave to you...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

75th Story: Tidung Island --- Last Vacation in July

Last July was a great day with my college friend’s *@mercubuana18*, that day I was traveling to Tidung Island, this island located in Seribu Archipelago (north of Jakarta). The island is already inhabited by people since the Dutch colonial era. In the book History of Jakarta mentioned that when Fatahillah invaded Malacca, he and his troops to use the existing islands in the Bay of Jakarta as a place to set the strategy. One of the island was named "Tidung" which means shelter.

It took about 2.5 hour’s trip from Muara Angke harbor to get Tidung Island. For this trip I paid Rp.260.000,- all in. Its included ship ticket vice versa, home stay for 2 days 1 night, 1 lunch *actually its 2 coz our breakfast its for lunch* -1 dinner and 1 breakfast, barbeque, bicycle, snorkeling tools, boat for snorkeling, also local guide! My Friend Santosa deals this for us.

We were 16 people, we stayed at 2 different place, 1 house for boys & 1 house for girls and it’s full of air condition *though i don’t have it at my house, lol. Once we got there we stayed for a while, have lunch then decided to go snorkeling.
it took about 20 minutes to get the snorkeling spot. After that we went to the Shark Conservation for ice cream *woops*.

Another ship that went to snorkeling

Snorkeling with love ones

Shark Conservation

After that we visit the most famous place in tidung, they call it with Jembatan Cinta (Bridge of Love). For Jumping from the top of the ± 3 meter bridge *i dont know what it means*.

The Bridge of Love

ut so sad, because, I dont get a sunset moment.

Nearly Sunset *sad*

Man by sunset

At the morning we went to this bridge *jembatan cinta* again used bicycle, they provide bicycle in there.

Unfortunately some bicycle was not in a good condition, no brakes, rusted, etc. From Jembatan cinta we can cross over to Tidung kecil, this is an island next of Tidung. So there are 2 Island, Tidung Besar and Tidung Kecil. These islands connected by wooden bridge *watch your step carefully*, we can cross it by foot. We took a rest for a while in tidung kecil, eat noodle *that so salty* and play with sand, and also, take a pictures...


Use all your style to take a shoot

See the bridge, watch your step carefully

But sad #2, i dont get sunrise there, hiks..hiks, only this...

My Late Sunrise

There is a minus of everything, even a paradise like Tidung...


But with all mean, i have much fun as usual..enjoy..