Where I Went

I really likes traveling and Photography, so when every place i went i always take a moment to take a picture

About this blog

Thursday, June 13, 2013

84th Story: Siomay Pink

When i was going to jog at bundaran HI with my cam. It was a Car Free day. And after i walk at a long side under the bus way bridge I spot this guy with all pink, but the strange is that he is carried a siomay stall with a bike. Then I noted that He is the Siomay Pink guy, Mr.Sriyono. 

His Gerobak Sepeda


But after a while i look at him...i realize that maybe he is kind of siomay celebrity guy, because there is so many girls that want to take a pic with him...

Mr. Siomay Pink with his fans...

Than i try the Siomay, its quite nice, coz its bit different from all the siomay I've tried, and it also quite big and bit expensive one from others...

The Famous Siomay Pink

So...after there is no buyers there, Mr. Sriyono go to other place...

Bye Mr.Sriyono

Friday, June 7, 2013

83rd Story: Prambanan On the Weekend

This Picture i take while im at Candi prambanan, just use your light option to light tungsten (i cant remember whats on text), just take the picture than...u'll got a pretty blue silluet enviroment.

Candi Prambanan Silluette