Where I Went

I really likes traveling and Photography, so when every place i went i always take a moment to take a picture

About this blog

Saturday, April 23, 2011

68th Story: Everybody Likes "Bule"

A foreign family @ Kota Tua

Morning All, today post is so tickled to me because I never think foreign could be such a superstar @ Kota Tua, everybody likes to take a pic with them. I think besides he is handsome, and two lil' son is so cute, they are so friendly And here is little snap of them...

Asking, "Mister..mister, poto dong..poto.."

Posing with Mr.Bule @ Kota Tua

They think this Mr.Bule is JB's cousin ^_^

That just it for today, later I'll post u about rare food found @Kota Tua... C ya...

67th Story: Crying

Falisha, before the tears fell...

Falisha, crying out loud...

This is Falisha, her face is unstoppable picture to catch, every single tears and laugh comes from her is a song comes from heaven...

But Crying is what I'm trying to stop, and this is why:
  • I'm trying to stop crying for one person in earth that makes me believe that he love me...(in a name of hell he did)
  • I'm trying to stop crying if i remember a rubbish moment.
  • I'm trying to cry what i haven't have and i'm trying to have.
Sorry, so a hate it is...But without this i never learn how to stand up and get up, though i cant vanish all the beautiful moment that become a horror moment time till now (huft)...

(Well, i had a time that i wonder if there is a time machine to just get back, i just left him beside, but quite happy because i knew what "the other" don't know, lol.)

Friday, April 22, 2011

66th Story: Old Town Story Goes

The Jakarta History Museum (Indonesian: Museum Sejarah Jakarta), which is also known as Fatahillah Museum or Batavia Museum, is located in the Old Town of Jakarta, Indonesia. The building was built in 1710 as the Stadhuis (city hall) of Batavia.[2] Jakarta History Museum, opened in 1974, displays objects from the prehistoric times of the city, the founding of Jayakarta in 1527, and through Dutch colonization from the 16th century onwards until Indonesia’s Independence in 1945. (Wikipedia).

It’s very hot day that moment, so we decided to go with Trans Jakarta, and left my motor at Blok M Parking Lot. Actually, I want to learn how to take photo with model in it, so I have my friend Sato Sarai with me, if u wonders, she’s not Jap actually, she is Sudanese. But when I got there, I said WOW, I struck when I see it’s so different from what I’ve seen 6 years ago (yeah no wonder). Its so crowd, and so much people comes for just sightseeing, riding bicycle, food travel, capture a moment, and others...

This is Sato Sarai

And I failed to take a lot of snap picture that day, but I got more than that, yes, it’s a beautiful day to spend I am telling you. That’s enough chat, and so here is what I’ve got that day…

Onthel with many colors, u can ride it for only Rp.10.000,-/30 minutes

Kuda lumping, this two man is "possessed" dancer is performing the dance in trance conditions, they can display unusual abilities, such as eating glass and resistance of whipping, i will post about this tradition dance in other time.

Uwww.. I always hate if the place for praying, have a samee place with toilets, for me its gross.

A lot of accessories here, specially bracelet...

Yeahh... Marketing Your self!!!:4 thumbs:

All fried snack here...

Uwm, maybe the owner its from Malang...AREMA

Well its not all from my post, but, Hooaamm...I better be sleeping, this morning i must attend a class...C yaa...