That just it for today, later I'll post u about rare food found @Kota Tua... C ya...
I really likes traveling and Photography, so when every place i went i always take a moment to take a picture
Every People is Unique, where they live what they like, and what they look like it is totally all unique
God gives us all beautiful things in this world, and i'll share you here...
Every place have their own unique food, let me share you what i have eat and found
Every Culture has it own tradition, and i'll share all the things that i know and found in here..
It’s very hot day that moment, so we decided to go with Trans Jakarta, and left my motor at Blok M Parking Lot. Actually, I want to learn how to take photo with model in it, so I have my friend Sato Sarai with me, if u wonders, she’s not Jap actually, she is Sudanese. But when I got there, I said WOW, I struck when I see it’s so different from what I’ve seen 6 years ago (yeah no wonder). Its so crowd, and so much people comes for just sightseeing, riding bicycle, food travel, capture a moment, and others...
This is Sato Sarai