Where I Went

I really likes traveling and Photography, so when every place i went i always take a moment to take a picture

About this blog

Friday, February 11, 2011

65th Story : Baby Day Photoshoot.

This is my model in photoshoot this time...
Falisha Zara Afiqa (3 month)

"Hello every one, meet me Falisha, im 3 month old..."

"I can nod my head u know..."

"Ewm..im so sleepy, why dont all know what i need..."

Look at me, im so beautiful is'nt it...

"Am so cute as i can be..."

"Posiinggg after bath...everbody..."

"So sleepy, tired ..."

Well no word enough to describe thiss lil one here, she is cute and adorable sweet baby.. enjoy and see u...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

64th Story: Anyer, where swimming can be fun...

I have this photo long year ago, and this photo i captured when i and all the member from my first office have a lil vacation to Anyer. This is when i have this honey 300 D (belongs to my big bos, lol) on my hand. Learn, learn and learn, its all i do...

Hope u can enjoy...

This is my bos son, cute...

The other pose of him...

Thats him with his sister, two cuties...

Not only sexy model can pose like this...lol

Boylicious, the true is i don't know whose this man , I'm trying to be mamarazzi here..lol

So, can i start to stalk a celebrities here...

Several of this photo shoot i've post when i join the
Now, i just like to upload some their, need lot of critics...

Au revoir

63rd Story: Bajaj, a three wheeler rickshaw made from paper

An auto rickshaw or three-wheeler (tuk-tuk, trishaw, auto, rickshaw, auto rick, bajaj, rick, tricycle, mototaxi, or baby taxi in popular parlance) is a motor vehicle and a mode of transport for private use and as a vehicle for hire. It is a motorized version of the traditional rickshaw or velotaxi, a small three-wheeled cart operated by a single individual, and is a 3-wheeled cabin cycle. Auto rickshaws can be found in many Asian countries such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, India, Laos, the Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, as well as in Guatemala, Peru and some African countries such as Ethiopia, Sudan, and in some parts of Egypt. (source: wikipedia)

And here is the Bajaj we know, made from Paper.

This is the driver door, love the logo...

The back from the bajaj

This is where the passanger sit, look at the bench there is lot of tape there, lol.

This is the main face of the Bajaj it self..

This is the paper craft that my brother made, u can have the model here.

And also check my post for papercraft.