Where I Went

I really likes traveling and Photography, so when every place i went i always take a moment to take a picture

About this blog

Sunday, January 30, 2011

62nd Story: Traveling while working @Gunung Geulis Cottages

I got this job from a friend, as a Photographer assistant.

The Job is simple but so tired*...fhieww...

*because i have this honey once in a while in my hand, gosh...

The Pleasant one is the view I’ve got from the place that I went, so beautiful, all green.

And the room the bed it’s big and it so cozy.

Here is some view that I captured, enjoy…

The Gunung Geulis is located in the regency of Ciawi-Bogor, mere 45 minutes drive along the Jagorawi Highway, about 50 km from the business center of Jakarta. This place its for the golfer.

This is the view from the function room, look good huh...

Did you see what i see --eyes, nose and beard-- lol

I really dont have any idea what this flower name, but it so beauty..

Gunung Geulis Cottages is perfect place for meeting, training, group recreation and gathering.

For reservation please do click here.

(This feed, it doesnt made for ads of GGC)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

61st Story: Air Soft Gun

Airsoft guns are replica firearms that propel plastic pellets (also known as BBs) by way of compressed gas or a spring-driven piston. Depending on the mechanism driving the pellet, an airsoft gun can be operated manually or cycled by either compressed gas such as Green Gas (propane), or CO2, a spring, or an electric motor, but are ultimately fired from a piston compressing a pocket of air. All these products are designed to be non-lethal out-of-the-factory and to provide realistic replicas.

(source: wikipedia)

Honestly, I dont know anything bout this boy toys, but My Uncle and my lil bro surely "in love" with this stuff, all i know is this stuff so way expensive, and here is the special photoshoot for my lil' bro, lets have a look...

This is the hand gun, BERETTA 9mm, just a toys looks like real...

Another "Gun"...

"who shot whom?" --did u see, i'm capturing my self, lol--

He is ready, i'm telling u... Look Out!!

Still a lot of pic, i'll share ya all later...

60th Story: Karedok Leunca - Indonesian Culinary

The ingredients for this culinary is red chili and rawit chili, terasi (dried shrimp paste), kemangi (lemon basil) leaves, salt, and tomato

This is one of Indonesian culinary, Karedok Leunca Its Sudanese culinary. The taste it’s so spicy (red chili added) and also its bitter (cause the Leunca), for me its so good, delicious...Usually sundanese eat karedok leunca with rice, krupuk, tempe, and salty fish (ikan asin).

Leunca/Solanum nigrum or also known as European Black Nightshade has many efficacies like, Analgesic, Anti Inflammatory and Antibacterial.

This is several culinary usages in many countries:

In India, the berries are casually grown and eaten; but not cultivated for commercial use.

In Ethiopia, the ripe berries are picked and eaten by children in normal times, they cook the leaves in salty water and consumed like any other vegetable.

In South Africa, the very ripe and hand-selected fruit is cooked into a beautiful but quite runny purple jam

In Greece the leaves are one of the ingredients included in the salad of boiled greens known as horta.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

59th story: Youna both JPOP & KPOP

This is the singer that recently I like, her name is YOUNHA, her profile you can found at here and her lyric also video is found in here.

Younha (Korean Hangul: 고윤하; hanja: 高潤荷); Go Yoon-ha, Japanese Katakana: ユンナ, Yunna)
born April 29, 1988 in Seoul, Korea, is a K-Pop and J-Pop South Korean singer.

This is A glimpse about her...

---Younha made her debut as an artist at the young age of sixteen.

---Several of her songs have been featured in anime and drama series.

---Younha began to play the piano at the age of 4.

---She also commented in an interview that certain companies refused to sign her to their labels because they believed she was not "pretty" enough, although she sang very well.

---Her first official single is Yubikiri --Japanese version.

---Younha's second single, "Houki Boshi", was used as an ending song for the popular TV anime Bleach.

---Her latest Korean Album, "Part B: Growing Season". Her only single to date from the album is "Broke Up Today".

---Album: Personal Taste OST, Its said that this is the first time that younha sang an OST song."Personal Taste" starring Son Ye Jin as Park Kae In and Lee Min Ho as Jeon Jin Ho.

As a listener, I can only said that her voice is so good, sing pop well as sing rock, this is several of her song that I like:

1. Gidarida -- it's a song about waiting someone
2. My Song And -- It's about a song for beloved "friend", there is 2 version, korean and english.
3. Delete -- its break up song.
4. Broke Up today -- sad & romantic song
5. Nonsense

Thats all, hope u enjoy...

a sneak peak from "take care of my boyfriend" video clip.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

58th story: Faces and Smile

Face cannot be translated or defined, but face is first knowing identity about our selves.
Smile is facial expression,
and happiness is most often the motivating cause of a smile. One of the Hadits says, smile is shodaqoh, because if u give smile to other people, they will feel what u feel...happy.

And this is the faces and smile that i known from my hood...

This is a Jamu (a herbal medicine) seller known as mbok Jamu, her name is Mbak Ayu, ofcourse she is a javaneese, she sells Jamu for a long year, her Jamu is very thick of herbs, the taste is so good, not bitter at all, its 1000 IDR/glass. I always order a Kunyit Asam, its good for your health and make your skin light...

This is Siomay seller, we called him Mang Siomay, he always passing my house twice a day, at noon and night. He made siomay him self, 500 IDR/piece. He have wife and kid out from Jakarta, so he work for them here, feel so sad when he still doing his job when he sick, and in a cold day in his ages like this --feel like i miss my dad--...

She is my Auntie, always happy in her thoughts, have 2 daughter, she life just 2 house from my house. She have many rabbits in her house and also plants.

Did you know what in his mind? Even Facebook would'nt know it...
This is my cousin, he is cute as always, have a strong will, and bit temper, crying when what he wants he doesnt have it. Now he is bald, his mother loss his cute curly hair, couse of hot makes him always swety....

She is also my relatives, Uwa Ida, I called her. She have 3 son and 1 daughter, looks like she is happy, no one knows inside she have full of problems. Is'nt she so beautiful with that smile...

This is my mother, the strongest woman i've never known before, she is my superhero...

Look at his face, is'nt he so adorable. He does'nt know how to smile in front camera, then he show his funny face...

She is my grandmother, lots of grand children she have. She sometimes go to her son house, that not far from her, to see her grandchild...

This woman is my auntie, I called her Bibi. The mother of 2 son. She is from Rawa, Tasikmalaya. She with her husband, my uncle, runs a lil store near my house...

This is my cousin too, Sisi her name, she wants to be a teacher. To be a first child makes her so superior than the lil sist, lol...

And this is me, can u know what my problems is, i bet u cant, because smile blur all my sorrow.

So this all what i capture, around my hood, hope u all enjoy it & dont forget to smile...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

57th Story: Korean Cuisine: Tteokbokki

Wikipedia said:

Tteokbokki, also known as Ddeokbokki, or also Nyebokki, is a popular Korean snack food which is commonly purchased from street vendors or Pojangmacha. Originally it was called tteok jjim (떡찜), and was a braised dish of sliced rice cake, meat, eggs, and seasoning. Tteok jjim an early variant of modern tteokbokki, was once a part of Korean royal court cuisine. This type of tteokbokki was made by boiling tteok, meat, vegetables, eggs, and seasonings in water, and then serving it topped with ginkgo nuts and walnuts. In its original form, tteokbokki, which was then known as gungjung tteokbokki, was a dish served in the royal court and regarded as a representative example of haute cuisine. The original tteokbokki was a stir-fried dish consisting of garaetteok (가래떡, cylinder-shaped tteok) combined with a variety of ingredients, such as beef, mung bean sprouts, green onions, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, and onions, and seasoned with soy sauce.

I know this food from Korean drama, they eat some kind of street vendor snack along the road side, seams I have a big curiosity want to try this kind of food. And what a coincidence, Mia's husband, Jaya, live in Korea for study –so I’m really beg her to ask her hubby to bring me some cake rice and gochujang for me--. And after a long ride of waiting, here is the Teokbokki, just take a look…

@LOTTE MART, this is where i saw where it sell, 66.000 IDR/pack, so way expensive.


This is the rice cake and gochujang (red bean paste)

And This is the result, just cook the rice cake with the bean paste, that so simple.

Actually the taste doesnt fit with Indonesian tongue, so I add tomato sauce, little bit sugar and chili sauce, and the result not so bad either, just like eat cilok with sauce...