Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
54th Story:, everyone is a Stylist

Ewm, I’m so confused, what post will I post today, many ideas, but lack of pictures and this comes out from my idea's closet., I found this from one of the hijabi’s site (don’t remember witch one, so many blogs that I read.
This Blog is so awesome, u can post a look, than they choose the best look of the day, your design can be the chosen one…
Here some sneak peak from the site

U can create new look with the new item stock, there is Look of the Day and Editor's Pick

And also Styling Contest and Hot Looks

This is the menu, where u can look some inspiration, change the clothes, model, background and effect.
And i made this outfit mixmatch

Enough for the introduce, pardon if my english not so
Enjoy the designing everyone... love.. love
Monday, December 27, 2010
If I look up, it seems horrible
If I look down, mine isn’t so bad
So I choose to look forward
And enjoy what’s left from this life
to (was) my beloved one:
if from the beginning we dont have anychance to be together, please leave me that day, now its 4 years from that day, what can u do now... I'm broke, even broke than ever when u leave me wthout a word and a voice...
Saturday, December 25, 2010
52th Story: Home Sweet Tasikmalaya

@backyard, the duck troops, 1, 2, 3 go

And here is the Familly

My Grandmother house is 7KM from the Gunung Galunggung, not so cold there. u can go to Singaparna (a big traditional market) by Delman for 4000 IDR/person, ojek 5000 IDR/person or angkot 2000 IDR/ person.
Maybe Next time, i'll post the marketplace...
Thats all i've got, another POST will be updated, soon...
Friday, December 24, 2010
51th Story: Its a Jogjavacation dude...
Yes I must post it earlier than the 2nd one --Wonossobo Trip--, but I’ve start it at my FB, Not much photo for that day, But its lot of fun.

(@Indraloka, where we stay for couple of days)
This Point make so fun:
2. Sight Seeing to Taman Sari, First coming to Taman Sari --but so sad skip the bringin kembar--, it was raining, so Bayu, Me, Irene and Rahmat, failed to go there, ending with Bayu that so upset, ewm, he always upset like a spoiled brat kiddo,and all my fault. But the second one I made it with Anto, and take some picture there...

There was a lot of paintings too, but we can't take a picture there, --but they allowed the foreign, blahhh--
3. Bapia Pathok 25, Have some sample bapia here for free and it’s still fresh from the oven, sample still sample don’t expect it so perfect, but still can be eat, sweet…
Many places that so interesting here, Pity, I skip them all, lack of guide here, all friends is buzy have a meeting.

4. Mirota Batik, Lots of Stuff there, Batik cloth, shirt, dress, handycraft, and lots..lots of cute lil thing, and here some cute thing around...

Well, some gift I bought for mom to makes her happy…
WAAAAIIIIITTTT, i found some cute things here, none of this thing in Jakarta...

We eat here,

U can try Gudeg and Sego Pecel too that so delicious, i dont remember the name and sorry i don't have the picture...
Besides all this place, Bayu takes me to his grandma grave, eat Gudeg and sight seeing at night around Jogja. Nice.
I would like to go back again someday...
Here is some site about Jogjakarta and shop site that so nice to hop in,
Explore the Heart of Javaneese Culture
Jogja - Toko Online
YOGYAKARTA / JOGJA - Traveler's Paradise in Java
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
50th Story: from PAPER to TOYS called CRAFT
Paper models, also called card models or papercraft, are models constructed mainly from sheets of heavy paper or card stock as a hobby. It may be considered a broad category that contains origami, and card modelling, with origami being a paper model made from folding paper (without using glue), and card modelling as the making of scale models from sheets of card on which the parts were printed, usually in full colour, for one to cut out, fold, score and glue together. They appear to be generally more popular in Europe and Japan than in the United States. (
Now its popular in Indonesia...

- - its a community for a paper toys lovers, there is tip&trick for all lover and member.
- - love this site, COOL, many models with colors, and all over the world know this site.
- - it's a blog and many cool paper model here, love this one too.
- - indonesia cool stuff is here, there is washboard, ketupat, kopaja, Bajaj etc.
- - it sez, "All the lil' birdies are free for you to enjoy. Download, print, cut and play!"
- - u can upload u'r paper toys creation here, meet some paper toys artist.
- - this site contain a lot of models u can download, but not so much color added here, but all good model.